— Membership & Donations

Ways To Support Us

Join us in making a difference - donate to support our cause today.

BECOME A MEMBER - Preservation Durham is a membership organization. Your membership supports the work of Preservation Durham’s staff and volunteers, including advocating for preservation issues before city leaders, the Open Durham online archive, walking and bike tours, offering education and technical assistance to homeowners, and developing a grant fund for historic renovations.

DONATE - By making a one-time donation to Preservation Durham, you are helping to fund programs such as the preservation of historic buildings, educational events and workshops, and community outreach initiatives. Your donation will also help ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to appreciate and learn from Durham's unique and diverse past.

SPONSORSHIP - Corporate sponsors make it possible for Preservation Durham to provide technical assistance, educational outreach, and advocacy in ways that are accessible and impactful throughout Durham County.

PLANNED GIVING - Remembering Preservation Durham in your estate planning is one way to ensure a legacy of preserving our historic assets. Gifts may be made in the form of bequests, annuities, insurance benefits, and gifts of property. Your planned gift may be used to support a Preservation Durham’s ongoing work or a specific area of interest, such as rehabilitation funds for EPF properties, outreach and education work, publication of historic research, etc.


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